July 28, 2021 - Acts 14:1-7
Whenever the gospel is proclaimed, there will be a response. Some will agree and believe, and others will disagree and oppose the biblical message. Many times, when the gospel is rejected, people just walk away and choose not to return. As our society changes, it is becoming more common for the opposition to state or physically challenge biblical positions. Protests, physical confrontation and threats are becoming more common as the moral breakdown of society occurs.
Paul and Barnabas were very familiar with this form of opposition as they traveled from city to city proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ! After experiencing persecution in Lystra, they traveled to Iconium and began to proclaim the message of Christ. Like in Lystra, Paul employed the strategy of going to the synagogue first and proclaiming the good news to the Jewish community so they had an opportunity to accept their Messiah and see the fulfillment of their prophetic writings.
Paul’s ability to engage a large gathering and elicit a response is again demonstrated as he speaks. Large crowds soon flocked to hear and discuss the topics he addressed in the synagogue. The scripture and theme are not revealed but it can be assumed they did not vary greatly from the messages he had formerly spoken which caused inflammatory responses.
The author of Hebrews states, “the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow…” (Hebrews 4:12). This piercing and dividing by the word often separates and creates conflict which erupts when individuals are confronted with the truth of the gospel. Tensions exploded with an attempt to stone and abuse the team. They are forced to flee to other areas where they continue to proclaim this message!
In various places around the world, the gospel message still provokes deadly responses. Prayer is needed for believers that are daily confronted with the reality of sharing the message of Christ which could cost them their lives. People in areas of the Middle East, India and the Far East daily are aware of this cost and freely accept the challenge. Their request to us in America is that we pray for them. Please intercede for those believers in areas of persecution and hostile to the gospel message.