Daily Hope

August 4, 2021 - Acts 16:1-10

Ministry can be both very practical and emotional at the same time. As I go through my week, I may be involved in the practical aspects of managing a business and making decisions about colors, air conditioning units or long-range planning. In a moment’s notice I can have a phone call regarding a medical issue and prayer and assistance is needed. Change can be that sudden and unexpected in any given day.

Paul and Silas determined to revisit the churches that had previously been founded by Barnabas and himself. He traveled east to west, approaching the cities opposite of how they were first visited. This caused them to arrive at Derbe first, encouraging the continued ministry. At Lystra, Paul introduces a young man named Timothy to his team. Paul takes Timothy, has him circumcised, enabling Timothy to better minister to all, both Jew and Gentile.

The trip continues and after strengthening the churches and adding to the number of believers, the team moves to new areas to evangelize and present the gospel message. The clear directing of the Holy Spirit is emphasized in this chapter as the team was first restricted and then received a vision directing them to new opportunities in Macedonia.

Being sensitive to the moving of the Holy Spirit is paramount in ministry. While we may not have visions or dreams today, we do have promptings and the word of God to direct us to people and places where the Lord would have us to speak and serve. May we be sensitive and responsive to the Spirit’s direction this week to spend some time with a friend, neighbor or relative that God has recently prompted us to speak with and witness God’s blessing.

With an expectant hope,

Pastor Miller

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.
