Daily Hope

January 3, 2022 - Genesis 1-3

As we begin the New Year, I want to wish you and your family a great beginning to 2022! A new year is a time when we seek to put the past behind us and expectantly look to the future with anticipation and hope. As believers, we are excited about the possibilities that God has in store for us and what His plans are for each one of His followers.

The best way we can know the plans He has for us, is to know His word and seek to be obedient to His established directions. This can only be done as we read and meditate upon the scriptures. Reading the Bible is essential for our growth, maturity, and effectiveness as a disciple of Jesus Christ. In stating this, I would like to invite you to read with me through the scriptures chronologically. I will provide Monday through Friday reading plans.

Establishing these 4 points will assist you to be successful in your reading.

1) Create a plan. Make a daily appointment with God and maintain it until it becomes a habit and a priority in your life.

2) Prioritize a specific time. It will take 20-30 minutes each day to accomplish the reading and meditation.

3) Find a quiet place, free from interruptions.

4) You may desire to have a journal to take notes.

Begin your reading by prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to speak through His written word. Read the passage and consider what God may be personally speaking to you about and how that applies to your life?

In today's reading, God reveals to us His plan for creation and the work that He did to bring this creation into existence! As you read, note the way God's handiwork is described, emphasized and the manner it is presented. Perhaps you can also detect how creation is presented differently in the first two chapters. Lastly, see how subtle temptation was used to bring sin into the world. Conclude by asking yourself how we are tempted and what subtle elements do we need to be mindful of in our life.

Pick a version of Scripture that you enjoy reading or have wanted to read. (The above scripture reading is directly linked to NKJV). Read/ listen using apps such as Bible Gateway (www.biblegateway.com) and enjoy your journey through the Scripture this year. My prayer is that all of us will benefit and grow in our likeness of the Savior!

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.
