Daily Hope

January 14, 2022 - Job 24-28

The tragedies that are occurring today with evil and sadness being present is indeed heartbreaking. From a mother throwing her son into a dumpster to another hosing down their child and leaving him outside to die in the cold is simply unimaginable. Just as chilling are educated and elected officials calling for refusal of care for individuals because of different views or opinions.

These are some of the news items that have recently entered our headlines. Like in Job's time, these events may cause people to question the righteous judgments of God. Is He concerned for the poor, downtrodden, and helpless? Bildad indicates that man is not righteous and should fear the consequence of the condemnation of sin.

Despite the fact of evil and sinfulness surrounding them, Job asserts that God is sovereign and very attentive to care for both the just and the unjust. His majesty is presented in the general revelation of nature and in the skies and heavens that daily display His works!

Although Job is at a loss to why God would choose to treat him as He did, Job steadfastly trusted and committed himself to his God. He continued to teach and present the truths that he knew God had revealed. The wicked will be judged even though they ignore the coming judgment!

Job concludes this section with a question that correlates with our society and the issues we face, "...where can wisdom be found?" (28:12). With all the education available and the high emphasis on learning today, the reality is many are still searching for answers and knowledge. Job determines that wisdom is the fear of the Lord and departing from evil is understanding (28:28).

While sin is darkening our society and answers are being given similar to Job's friends responses, how do we respond? Are we prepared for the difficult questions and the societal convulsion of sin in our world? A good resource to assist you when questions are presented is Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Volumes 1 & 2 by Josh McDowell or The Apologetics Study Bible.

With an Expectant Hope,

Pastor Miller

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.
