Daily Hope

June 23, 2021 - Acts 5:22-33

Recently we have seen people who hold strong ideals stand up and be accounted for as differing opinions are presented. We have observed this at events, parades, school board meetings and in our political arenas. These people have been given the privileges to speak and act on their convictions.

The disciples were a group of people that were in the minority but were intently presenting the truths of their convictions as they presented the message of their risen Savior. This conviction had become so intense among the disciples of Jesus that they could not be silent but spoke with boldness and passion. They had been arrested and had spent some time in the public jail, but an angel of the Lord had set them free (v.19) and sent them back to the temple to continue to proclaim this message.

Later that morning the high priest and other officials came together to hear and bring a verdict upon the men and their teachings. The clash of convictions between the disciples and the Jewish leadership is now center stage as the disciples stand before this tribunal. Note the clear dichotomy between the Jewish leadership and the disciples. The leadership accused the disciples for not followed their previous commands (4:18) and continuing to cause trouble in the temple and throughout the city.

The disciples, with Peter as their spokesman, remain emboldened and confident in their assertions of God’s message they were speaking. Peter’s declaration of following God rather than men, in addition to repeating the indictment of the Jewish leadership killing Jesus, resulted in fury and intent to kill the disciples.

Conviction gave individuals the ability to face persecution and defy the established authority even to the point of death. This ability to confront this hostility was possible as a result of Jesus’ promise to be with them and the resultant empowerment of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Jesus had made them His witnesses of His resurrection (Acts 1:22; 2:24,32,3:15,26; 4:10), and He would see them through this trial.

We will face instances where people and organizations will not accept the convictions that we possess and present. Like the disciples, we need to be certain and confident that Jesus is directing our conversation and leading us through the confrontation. May we too, take time to pray, search the scriptures and be filled with the Holy Spirit before taking on the opposition.

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.