Daily Hope

June 21, 2021 - Acts 5:1-11

Occasionally, when our children were young, they would not tell the whole truth about a situation. It was often easy to detect that something was amiss and they were not telling everything that had occurred. Usually after a little prodding, the truth would come out and consequences would have to be administered.

In Acts, the young church was growing and the people were experiencing the power of God in many ways as the unity and the power of the message of Christ was presented. As this was occurring, it was inevitable that someone would try to imitate the example of spiritual service by not being completely truthful about events. A couple named Annanias and Sapphira sold some property but kept back a portion for themselves. Apparently, while this was not wrong, they misrepresented the gift as the entire amount of the sale. The Holy Spirit gave Peter the insight to see that there was a discrepancy in the story and challenged Annanias. The sale of the land was acceptable, and the amount of money given to the church was satisfactory, but the deception was dishonest (vv.3-4).

Sappphira came in some time later and Peter asked her if the sale of the land was the same as what her husband stated and her agreement indicated that she sided with her husband to deceive the leadership of the church. As a result, both husband and wife were struck by the Holy Spirit and died in front of the congregation.

This created a great sense of fear or reverence as God’s power was revealed and the importance of truth telling was emphasized. This same principle is needed today as it appears that people are trying to look like someone they are not. This appearance is dishonest, and it results in our being seen as hypocritical rather than being Christlike. As believers, we are called to tell the truth and allow the Lord to use our gifts, talents, and lives regardless of size or amount. Remember the story of the widow’s mite. Christ used her as an illustration of His approval that she gave her all; not only what she could afford (Mark 12:41-44).

May we be careful that our words and actions are accurate and honest as we speak with others or write on social media. God knows all things!

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Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.