Daily Hope

June 3, 2021 - Ecclesiastes 12:6-8

There is a popular quote saying, “nothing is certain except death and taxes.” While we live, we are encumbered with the responsibilities of supporting our government. When we die, the scriptures state that we will stand before God. Are you ready?

Solomon spoke of growing old in the previous section (vv.1-5) and addresses the issue of death for a final time in this book. He challenges the reader with the critical issue of remembering God before the cord of life breaks. The precious quality of life is characterized by the usage of expensive metals of silver and gold.

Solomon uses three illustrations of bowls to depict our lives, and each was important in the lives of his readers. The first is the gold bowl used to light the room. It is held by a silver cord and both the bowl and cord indicate an expensive piece of furniture. This light producing fixture is extinguished when the cord breaks and the bowl shatters upon impact with the ground. The second is the pitcher at the fountain. Again, an important bowl used everyday to bring life giving water to the family and essential for all activities of the home. The last bowl is the one that is at the well and was used to draw water out of the well. The word, ‘wheel’ could indicate the pulley mechanism or the bowl. Either way, when the wheel broke, the well was unusable.

The solemn warning and clear teaching from Solomon would be to remember God, the essential point of life. As these bowls were used every day, care and maintenance of them was necessary or serious consequences would occur when they become inoperable. Solomon emphasizes in verse seven, the dust (body) will return to the earth and the spirit will return to God. The inescapable truth is just as the bowls would break, so too, death will transpire. His urgent plea to his readers was, do not wait until it is too late, serve God now!

While conducting a memorial service yesterday, I had the opportunity to bring this point clearly to those who were present. 2 Timothy 4:6 states that Paul knew his departure was at hand. He had prepared for that day and now was ready to face the righteous judge who awaited his arrival. Paul was not afraid but anxious to stand before Him.

May we look forward to meeting the Lord also by daily remembering and learning of the One Who is eternal!

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.
