May 27, 2021 - Ecclesiastes 10:5-20
A foolish person does not have wisdom in his heart. That is the principle that was noted in yesterday’s devotion. The person who does foolish things gravitates to those actions and thoughts because of inner motivations that rule their life.
Solomon uses four illustrations to demonstrate his point in the rest of the chapter. The illustrations that he uses deals with every area of society and demonstrates that no one is immune from doing foolish activities.
The first act of folly is within the reign of the monarch or ruling person (vv.5-7). The example is of a proud ruler who has his best people behaving like servants and slaves acting as leaders. A wise ruler places his people in positions that allow for the greatest work to be accomplished.
Next, Solomon describes the foolish laborer (vv.8-10). It appears that the laborer was not mindful of the dangers or had become too comfortable of his abilities and did not provide the safety measures needed to keep from being injured on the job. It was not foolish to work in the profession but it was folly to not take time to ensure safety was a priority.
The third example illustrated is regarding speech (vv.11-15). The foolish man’s words are boastful, fanciful and plentiful which causes the listener to become weary of being with such a person. His continual speech keeps the babbler from reaching the destination or even of hearing the directions!
The last person or group who manifests an aura of foolishness is related to the first. This group is the circle of people the king or ruler gathers around him (vv.16-20). “Birds of a feather flock together” is an adage and one Solomon probably would have agreed with. The people who gathered around the leader demonstrated the qualities the leader embraced. If the leader was weak or immature than the qualities of indulgence, apathy and indiscretion become manifest.
Solomon is stating that foolish behavior is present in every area of life. It is displayed in our lives as a result arrogance or overconfidence in ourselves. It is also exhibited when we feel that our superiors are not equal or deserving of our respect or loyalty. When we forget that God is watching and in control, we will be tempted to be foolish and act or speak inappropriately. A quick review of Psalm 5:4-5 will keep us on track; “For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, nor shall dwell evil dwell with You. The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity.” Let us keep in check the words we speak to one another.