May 21, 2021 - Ecclesiastes 8:1-17
Wisdom and education can be very different. A knowledgeable person has noted that many people have not completed a high school or college education but are very wise in their approach and conduct of life. An educated person may have many facts and theories but a wise man understands and applies all the tools he has learned to accomplish tasks assigned to him.
Solomon has been speaking about wisdom and he continues this thought here in the eighth chapter. In the first part of the chapter (vv.1-7), he addresses the value of wisdom and then notes the limitation of man’s wisdom (vv.8-17). As Solomon notes wisdom is evident on a person face and if observant, we can mark people of wisdom. Their facial expressions will reveal the wisdom that is within by the warmth and excitement as they discuss topics for which they have passion. T he wise person also understands how to behave in the presence of authorities. His action, words and manners are all appropriate for demonstrating the respect toward one in charge.
He then turns to the limitations of wisdom on the part of man and the inability to understand God’s permission for the wicked to live long and have proper burials and the righteous to be forgotten. Solomon’s question of why the sentence of judgment is not executed speedily toward the wicked perplexes him! The slowness of judgment causes many to continue to perform evil acts.
After pondering the matter of wisdom, Solomon concluded the work of God was beyond the understanding of even a wise man (v.17). His works are done with the purpose and design that men cannot comprehend and as a result faith must be matched with wisdom.
Isaiah reveals a little more of God’s mind in chapter fifty-five when he writes, “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” (Isaiah 55:8-9). If you read the entire chapter of Isaiah 55 you will see that God is giving an invitation for the wicked to forsake their way and receive pardon and mercy. He continues to be patient and extend forgiveness to the wicked even today. Pray for those who do evil deeds that they will repent and receive the forgiveness of our loving Heavenly Father!