Daily Hope

May 11, 2021 - Ecclesiastes 3:16 - 4:3

“Life is not fair!” I used to tell my children that regularly when they felt that something was unjust or they were being treated unfairly. It was important that they understand that power and authority may not be always right or fair but there were rules and principles in place to address and correct failures.

After stating that there was a time and purpose for everything under heaven, Solomon addresses a topic that all have struggled to understand. This subject is the problem of injustice in society. He observes that unfairness was present in areas that should not be allowed, such as the courts, police, military, temple and even the palace.

What Solomon also exclaims is that although these truths are present, God was not ignoring or blind to the issue. In verses 17-18, Solomon states confidently that God had a present and future plan for oppressors and wrongdoers. Verse 22 reminds us that we are to labor and trust the Lord for the future. Oppression and injustice are a mark of mankind’s sinful and deceitful nature.

Many people are trying to change the system today and right the injustice and wrongs done. The challenge for the believer is to trust that God is in control and will require an account of the past, see the tears of the oppressed and comfort the recipients of those who inflict wickedness. Christ died by the hands of those who unjustly, falsely and cruelly used their power to seemingly crush the righteous, sinless Son of God. Through that oppression, victimization and injustice, Christ rose to give eternal life to all who would follow Him. Revelation 7:9-17 presents a picture of a multitude of people who come out of the great tribulation and God makes everything right. The Lamb (Jesus Christ) shepherds them and leads them, wiping away every tear from their eyes.

Life may not be fair but we who believe in Christ have a promise that we can cling to, that justice will prevail and Christ is Lord and judge of all mankind. Knowing the end of the story does assist us as we plod through the crisis of the moment. Jesus ends the book of Revelation with these words, “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work” (Revelation 22:12).

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